Three options for adjusting the size

Below we list three options for adjusting the size of your Orchids Plus window. The first option involves changing your screen magnification (or zoom), the second simply indicates how to adjust the Orchids Plus window and finally the third indicates how to adjust your screen resolution.

If Orchids Plus is too big for your screen

Check to see if you have your display set to more than 100%:

1. In Windows 7, you would right-click on your screen and select "Screen resolution"

2. Then click "Make text and other items larger or smaller". Make sure it is set to 100% rather than 125% or 150%

Hint: if you reduced the magnification using the steps above and feel text is now too small to read, you can reduce your screen resolution (this will make everything look larger.)

Resizing Orchids Plus

You can resize Orchids Plus by dragging any of the edges around. You can also maximize the program by clicking the rectangular icon in the upper-right of the window.

Changing your screen resolution

You can adjust your screen resolution to include more or less on your screen. When you decrease the resolution, everything will look larger, but you will have less space. When you increase resolution, everything will look smaller but you will have more space.

Here is how to change your screen resolution on Windows 7:

1. Right click on your screen and select "Screen resolution"

2. Write down the current screen resolution in case you want to switch back to it later.

3. If you are not using the "recommended" resolution, there should be a resolution in the list with the word "recommended" in parenthesis that you may want to try first.

4. After you have selected a resolution, press "Apply" to see how it looks. You will have the option to change it back.